
10 Things You’re Doing that are Ruining Your Hair

We all have our bad habits when it comes to our hair. We know there’s a better way to do something, we just choose to do it our own way and deal with the consequences. There are a few things you may be doing wrong, unintentionally. Some of these only take a quick change to do the right thing, so let’s educate ourselves.

1)Going to bed with wet hair – I’m sure you’ve heard of this before but do you know why? There are actually a few reasons. The first reason is damage to your hair. Your hair is at its weakest state when wet, so tossing and turning aren’t ideal conditions. The second reason is, it increases the risk of developing scalp infections. Bacteria and fungi thrive in warm, moist environments and that’s exactly what you’re creating when you sleep with wet hair.

2) Detangling dry hair with no product.– Dry ends tend to be frizzy and tangly because the cuticles are raised, causing them to attach and hold on to each other. When these split ends attach to each other they typically pop off or break when they’re separated. Instead try using a leave in conditioner to coat the strands before untangling.

3) Not using heat protection- You should definitely be using a heat protectant anytime you apply heat to your hair. Not providing protection can cause things such as cuticle damage, split ends, and color shift (blonde hair turning brassy or lighter colored ends on brunettes).

4)Towel drying your hair– Again, your hair is at its most fragile state when it’s wet, you should be as delicate as possible with it, not roughing it up with a cotton towel.

5) Avoiding trims– THIS!!! If you have split ends, you want to be routinely removing them. If they’re not removed, they act just Iike a run in a stocking and continue to spread higher and higher, leading to more hair having to be taken off when you finally do get that trim.

6) Part– Wearing your hair in the same part everyday for years can take a toll on it. You may start to notice thinning in that area. If you see that, it’s time to switch it up, sis.

7) Sun Damage– In the summer months, you want to be using UV protection on your skin and your hair anytime you’re going to be out in the elements. This can be as simple as wearing a hat, or adding some leave in conditioner to any hair exposed.

8) Brushing Out Firm holding products– to my girls that are in a choke hold with the Eco Gel, let it go sis. There’s nothing wrong with using strong hold products like this one, but please be sure you’re letting the water run over it to break it up before shampooing. You never want to just brush out firm hold products, this will cause breakage.

9) Sleeping on cotton pillow case– This is one of the simplest things you can be doing wrong. Cotton absorbs all the oils from our hair and causes dryness. Mix that with tossing and turning and you have a boderline disaster waiting to happen. Opt for a satin or silk pillowcase instead.

10) Using cheap products– I say it all the time, “You can expect your $7.00 shampoo to keep up your $200 color.” You need quality products to keep up your hair. Salon Interactive has anything you could possibly need and offers subscription plans so you never run out.

So, now that we know better, let’s do better.

Katie Olivier