
Decoding Conditioners- Regular, Leave ins, and Masks

Leave in conditioner… hair masks… regular conditioner? What’s the difference? When am I supposed to use each one? And how do I know which to use?
Okay, let’s take a breath. I know this is a lot and can be overwhelming, but I’m here to ease your mind. Let’s break down each one and talk about what it’s used for, how often it should be used and how to use it.


Typical hair conditioner is meant to be used on wet hair immediately after shampooing. The purpose of this is to lower the pH of the hair, smooth down the cuticle and soften the hair. There are different types of conditioners that have different functions. Some conditioners are more moisturizing than others and some contain proteins to help repair damaged hair. Which ever you choose to use, this type of product should be used after every time you shampoo.

Leave In Conditioner

Leave in conditioners are just that, a type of conditioner that isn’t meant to be rinsed out of the hair. This one is meant to be used as a styling product and is applied to clean damp hair. Leave ins provide extended moisture and hydration to the hair as well as aiding in the detangling of the hair. There are various types of leave ins available for different needs and hair concerns, such as; smoothing, color protection, frizz control and thermal protection. It’s completely up to you how often you’d like to use a product like this. Personally, I use some type of leave in on every single client that sits in my chair.

Hair Mask

Hair masks or deep conditioners are to be used when your typical conditioner just isn’t cutting it anymore. These conditioners are formulated with higher concentrations of ingredients like oils, proteins and moisturizers. I recommend to swap out your regular conditioner for a hair mask every 4-6 shampoos unless you’re having some type of issue that requires you do it more often. Hair masks are typically left on the hair for longer durations than regular conditioners. Some recommend 5-10 minutes while others may recommend 15-30. PROTIP: Cover your hair with a shower cap or plastic bag while leaving the conditioner in. The heat held inside will help to open the hair cuticle so the moisture can penetrate deeper and do its job.

I hope this answered any questions you may have had, if not be sure to leave any questions in the comment section!

Katie Olivier