
How Hair Can Be Good for Your Mental Health

Sometimes we just feel like we’re stuck in a rut, doing the same old routine day in and day out. A quick hair refresh or transformation could be just the little boost you need to get out of this funk and start feeling confident and radiant again.

What does hair have to do with my mental health?

Let’s spill the tea – having a bomb hair day can make you feel like a total queen. When we fix our hair, it’s like giving ourselves a big ol’ hug and saying “I love me!” Whether you’re rocking a sleek updo, luscious curls, or a fierce buzz cut, a dope hairstyle can bring out your best features and make you feel like the baddest chick in town. It’s all about showing yourself some self-love and letting your confidence shine through. By putting in that extra effort to look great, we’re telling ourselves and the world that we are worth it – which leads to a positive mindset and improved mental well being.

Lemme Transform Ya

Switching up your hairstyle can totally change the game for you. It’s a chance to step out of your usual routine and explore new possibilities. Trying out a fresh haircut or color can give you a whole new vibe – more energy, motivation, and confidence. Rocking a different style pushes you to try something new, grow personally, and adapt to change – all super important for keeping your mental health in check. Mixing things up with your appearance can also feel like a fresh start and show that you’re committed to growing as a person. It’s all about positive transformation!

Salon or Therapist???…

A trip to the salon and a visit to a therapist are both about taking care of yourself. They’re opportunities for some relaxation and me-time. And hey, they can both help boost your well-being and confidence! When you book an appointment at the salon for a haircut or treatment, it’s like hitting pause on all your daily tasks – giving you that chance to treat yourself and feel refreshed inside out. Plus, if you ever need to let off steam about anything – whether it’s kids, partners, or work drama – I’m here for you. My chair is a safe space where there’s zero judgment, and I know plenty of other stylists would agree too.

So what do I do?

Hey, don’t forget – looking after your mental well-being isn’t just about the usual stuff; it’s about every part of your life, including how you rock your personal style. So, go on and play around with your hair! You’ll see how it can be a game-changer for boosting your mental health and embracing the real you. Next time you’re having a bad day take a little extra time on your hair. Whether that means making a hair appointment or busting out a hair mask and giving your locks a little TLC at home, your hair and mind will both thank you.

Katie Olivier