
How to Train Your Hair to Go Longer Between Washing

I don’t know about you, but I hate finding time to wash my hair. Washing isn’t the problem, it’s the drying and styling I have trouble fitting into my schedule. I have some clients that shampoo their hair every single day! Not only is that exhausting but it’s not great for your hair to be putting it through all that friction daily. Today we’re going to talk about HAIR TRAINING to save our hair and our sanity.

What is Hair Training?

Hair Training is simply training your hair to go longer between shampoos. Some of my clients go 2-3 days between shampoos and others go 2-3 weeks. This depends on your preference and what you’re willing to deal with. I personally shampoo my hair every week to week and a half, depending on my schedule. Every time you shampoo your hair, you’re stripping it of its natural oils. This causes your hair to make more natural oils. So the more often you’re shampooing it the more often you’re going to have to shampoo it. We’re going to learn how to stretch this out over time so you don’t have to shampoo so often.

How to get by during this process?

Hair training isn’t something that’s going to happen overnight. It’s a slow, greasy process that will happen over time, it takes your hair a little bit of time to adjust. I would suggest timing your shampoos according to your schedule and reserve your “stretching it day” for days where you don’t have much going on. Make sure to refer to my post, 5- 5 minute Hairstyle Ideas for Rushed Mornings, for quick and easy hairstyles to make those days a little easier if you have to be somewhere. Also, dry shampoo is going to be your BEST friend, so lets make sure you’re getting the most out of it by using it correctly.

It might seem scary at first but you’ll be getting thru those greasy days with no issues after a while. When it is time for you to shampoo your hair, you want to make sure you’re doing it correctly to remove all of the excess dirt and oil you’ve accumulated on those extra days. How to correctly shampoo your hair post and video can help with that.

How to Train?

So we’re going to start with baby steps, by going an extra day between washing. If you’re currently shampooing daily, we’ll go two days. If you’re currently going 5 days we’re going to push it to 6. After about a month or 2 of this your hair will start to catch on and be less and less oily on that “stretch day”. Whenever you notice that happening that’s your cue to add an extra day. You can keep this going until you get to a washing schedule that you’re comfortable with.

Katie Olivier